Canon A1 needs new light seals
My Canon A1 needs new light seals!!
The Canon A1 was a professional camera from the 1980s, I always wanted one back in the day so when I saw one for sale I had to have it! Especially as it came with a 50mm 1.4 lens, motordrive and databack. The latter really is a bit pointless in the 21st century as it was designed to imprint the date a photo was taken on to the negative so it becomes part of the photo, but (a) its not something I use as I feel it detracts from the photos, and (b) the most recent date it can imprint is 31-12-1987. As I say, pointless really! But it was a good price so I thought I'd jump in! One thing to make clear, this is a totally different camera to my AE-1 which I've used for photos in a different album
These images were taken to try out the camera, and I now know that I need to replace the light seals as they leak - thats what's caused the white areas on the photos. In case you wonder, these images were taken at Wells-next-the-Sea on the north Norfolk coast