Photos using a Canon AE1 film camera

Canon AE-1 camera

The Canon AE1 was introduced in the mid 1970s and sold in its millions, and is still incredibly popular with film photographers today. My own camera dates from 1984, and as well as the 50mm standard lens that came with almost every camera, I also have a 28mm wide angle, a 135mm portrait lens, a 70-210mm telephoto zoom, and finally a 500mm mirror lens. I have also fitted my camera with an automatic winder which lets me carry on shooting without needing to advance the film with my thumb after every shot. I've owned this camera for over 10 years now and the images here are just a few of my favourites from the many rolls of film I've put through it.

#canon, #AE1, #35mm, #filmphotography
Gary Evans Photography