Photos of Lille taken using a Canon EOS650 film camera and 35mm film
Lille, Northern France
I've bought myself yet another camera! This time it's a Canon EOS650 and as well as being Canons first autofocus camera, way back in 1987 it was the first brand new camera I bought. Back then my only lens was a 35-105 zoom, so that's what I've used for these photos. Shortly after getting the camera I went on a trip to Lille in northern France, and that seemed as good a time as any to run a first roll of film through it! I happened to be there at the same time the Olympics were taking place (although I was there for a completely unrelated football match) which is why there are a lot of sports related activities taking place in the town square

#canon, #EOS650, #35mm, #filmphotography, #lille