Using expired colour 35mm film
Its ok to use expired film!
Photographic film comes with an expiry date to give you an idea of when it should be developed by. However, it's possible to stretch this date by storing the film in a cold, dark place. Even when film isn't stored like this it's going to still be useable although its sensitivity will decrease over time. The images here are taking using film that had expired in 2002, so I've overexposed the rated iso by two stops to allow for the couple of decades of the films ageing. This has ensured the photos are accurately exposed, although some of them are a bit flat and the film grain visible - but all in all, still a very useable set of images!!
I've used a Yashica 35GSN for these images as it's the one camera I have that allows me to overide a films rated iso, it also has the fastest lens of all my cameras which is useful as old film tends to need more light than fresh film